Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Christopher Houghton Budd, Marc Desaules, Arthur Edwards and Marc Theurillat > Towards True Pricing and True Income

Towards True Pricing and True Income

2009 Conference Proceedings

Christopher Houghton Budd, Marc Desaules, Arthur Edwards and Marc Theurillat

Publication: 2019 / 63pp / PB b&w

ISBN-10: 0 948229 44 6 / ISBN-13: 978 0 948229 44 2

Price: £7.50

‘True price’ is the cornerstone of associative economics. The idea has antecedents reaching back through Thomas Aquinas’s ‘just price’ to Aristotle’s ‘mean’. It alludes to the fact that people can have a sense for what is right in economic affairs, a sense that is especially human and not given by the state or the market. In Rudolf Steiner’s work, of which these essays aim to be an elaboration, true price is expressed in a formula which was likened by Steiner to Pythagoras’s theorem – succinctly worded but comprehensive in its meaning and relevance and application.

This group of essays, presented in Switzerland 2009 at a meeting of the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum, have as their theme to consider how the idea of true price can throw light on today’s economic life, where so much – from corporate form to pricing methods – seems so far removed from any such notion. But is this really so? Or is it a matter of identifying doable change, then getting on with it? Walking a new talk, so that others may follow? The key is in not creating an alternative world, but in approaching the existing world, and then acting within it, from a different point of view.

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