Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Christopher Houghton Budd > The Metamorphosis of Capitalism

The Metamorphosis of Capitalism Realising Associative Economics
Publication: 2003
ISBN: 978 0 948229 05 3
Price: £9.50
The central theme of this book – the metamorphosis of capitalism – refers to the challenge humanity faces to overcome self-centredness in economic life. We are well up to such a challenge. Indeed, it is what history expects of us. At the same time, this book is about realising ‘associative economics’. With its guiding image of a single global economy, characterised by cooperative endeavour and transparent accounting, associative economics offers humanity not only an important management tool, but also a means to heighten awareness and undertake transformative action. The book ranges from local activities such as community-supported agriculture to the macroeconomic landscape of monetary policy, financial markets, and the role of gold. It has a ‘sub plot’ – to sense how associative economics can find its way into the Anglo-Saxon psyche, the ‘locus’ for a thorough-going rethink of the nature and purpose of economic life.