Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Rudi Lissau > Rudolf Steiner’s Social Intentions

Rudolf Steiner’s Social Intentions
Publication: 1996
ISBN: 978 0 948229 20 6
Price: £2.50
For many years Rudolf Steiner wrote and lectured on the social problems of the time – above all the debilitating tensions between labour and capital, the dearth of cultural freedom and the need for genuine human rights. His main focus throughout was on the need to balance the advances of industrialism and capitalism with a social dimension that the new economic order cannot itself bring forth, but that depends for its creation on the human being. As Steiner’s many lectures and writings were in German, little of his extensive and perceptive observations is available in English. For this booklet, Rudi Lissau has diligently trawled Steiner’s considerable German archive to provide this anthology of his ideas. The publication serves not only as a synopsis of this literature, but as an important reference book.