Steiner, Dunlop and Keynes

Bookstore > CHB/Collected Works > Full CHB/CW List > Steiner, Dunlop & Keynes

Steiner, Dunlop and Keynes

Brothers in World Economy

Christopher Houghton Budd

Publication: 2022 / 239pp / PB colour

ISBN-10: 0 948229 90 X / ISBN-13: 978 0 948229 90 9

Price: £20.00


Modern economic life is fraught with crises of all kinds, both real and financial. The reasons are many, but chief among them is the fact that, already at the start of the twentieth century, economic life had gone global, but we continued to understand and conduct it as if it were a collection of countries. Moreover, the paradigm was, and continues to be, that the different nations should compete and that at any point in time one of them will be the ‘top dog’, expected or assuming itself required to be the primary or motor economy for the rest. This was the role of sterling, until it became displaced by the US dollar. Nowadays, not national currency, not even the once-mighty dollar, can serve as a world reserve currency. We need urgently to understand that the world is one economy, not several, and that its money has become bookkeeping (instead of gold- or fiat-based), and that the modality needs to be one of cooperating or, as described here, associating. We need also to recognise that, although the architects of such an economy, Rudolf Steiner, Daniel Dunlop and John Maynard Keynes, have all been and gone, for those minded to give concrete expression to the world as one shared economy, there is little that these great minds have not already deliberated on.

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Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Rudolf Steiner

Bookstore > CHB/Collected Works > Full CHB/CW List > Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Rudolf Steiner

Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Rudolf Steiner

Fellow Economists

Christopher Houghton Budd

Publication: 2021 / 95pp / PB b&w

ISBN-10: 0 948229 91 8 / ISBN-13: 978 0 948229 91 6

Price: £10.00


Unspoken or overt, the link between Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Rudolf Steiner, qua economists, is potentially one of the most important, not to mention controversial, one can consider. Could it be that over the centuries these three individuals have been telling the same story, albeit updated and even corrected for the times and cultures in which they lived? This book argues that this is indeed the case and that, therefore, there is a direct line from Aristotle to Steiner, the exploration of which can lead us into a post neo-liberal period, with no lack of discipline, but a restoration of our missing humanity.

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Rudolf Steiner’s Social Intentions

Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Rudi Lissau > Rudolf Steiner’s Social Intentions

Rudolf Steiner’s Social Intentions

Rudi Lissau

Publication: 1996

ISBN: 978 0 948229 20 6

Price: £2.50


For many years Rudolf Steiner wrote and lectured on the social problems of the time – above all the debilitating tensions between labour and capital, the dearth of cultural freedom and the need for genuine human rights. His main focus throughout was on the need to balance the advances of industrialism and capitalism with a social dimension that the new economic order cannot itself bring forth, but that depends for its creation on the human being. As Steiner’s many lectures and writings were in German, little of his extensive and perceptive observations is available in English. For this booklet, Rudi Lissau has diligently trawled Steiner’s considerable German archive to provide this anthology of his ideas. The publication serves not only as a synopsis of this literature, but as an important reference book.

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Rudolf Steiner, Economist

Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Rudolf Steiner > Rudolf Steiner, Economist

Rudolf Steiner, Economist Articles and Essays

Rudolf Steiner and Others

Publication: 2019

ISBN: 978 0 948229 18 3

Price: £10.00


Though well-known as a seer, the idea of Rudolf Steiner as an economist may seem surprising. Seers do not usually have much concrete to say about economic life, beyond laments about its evils and injunctions that it be guided by some moral dimension. Rudolf Steiner, however, gave many lectures and wrote many articles about modern economic life, which he saw as the arena in which humanity has to find a new relationship to the spirituality that formerly came from above or outside – from churches and external principles. Today the human being has to find morality within, which one cannot fully do unless one takes hold of the economic realm in a conscious, human way. Whether through concrete references to the meaning and working of money, or in attempting to give a fuller understanding of work or of the significance of market economics in our time, Steiner shows himself to be well-versed in the subject. This publication presents a selection of his articles in a context of essays by Christopher Houghton Budd.

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The Deed of Rudolf Steiner

Bookstore > CHB/Collected Works > Full CHB/CW List > The Deed of Rudolf Steiner

The Deed of Rudolf Steiner Sociological Masterpiece / Economic Testament

Christopher Houghton Budd

Publication: 2019

ISBN: 978 0 948229 38 1

Price: £10.00


When in 1923 Rudolf Steiner assumed the presidency of the Anthroposophical Society, he broke with the tradition that initiates did not connect themselves to earthly organisations. In doing so, Rudolf Steiner did not invalidate the purpose of that tradition, nor did he compromise himself. Instead, he gave the relationship between esoteric and exoteric life a new, modern meaning. Inevitably, controversy and confusion have gathered about that event – known as The Deed of Rudolf Steiner. Resolving the many issues that so complicated a karmic circumstance entails is difficult enough, but in this case the problem has been aggravated by a lack in the development of an integral but little recognised aspect of that deed, its economic counterpart. This publication draws attention to this crucial element. It is a personal view, but one that was originally many years in gestation before its initial formulation in 1979. It has since been reviewed many times and in this edition, it includes supporting material in tribute to Jörgen Smit.

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Beyond Brundtland

Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Xavier Andrillon > Beyond Brundtland

Beyond Brundtland

True Price and Sustainability

Xavier Andrillon

Publication: 2021 / 135pp / PB b&w


Price: £10.00


Current approaches to pricing have proved unable to deliver sustainable development. This study explores how the concept of ‘true price’, first proposed by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), combined with the logic of accounting can provide a novel, dynamic, comprehensive and also causal model that enables one to understand how ‘untrue’ prices contribute to unsustainability. Case studies have been used to verify if the model is fit for explaining real-world issues – in this instance, farmers facing untrue prices during the 1999-2003 global coffee crisis and on deforestation fronts in the Brazilian Amazon. The analysis of these case studies leads to the framing of true price as a necessary condition of sustainability, albeit not the only one. Combining true price and accounting gives concrete meaning and technical grounding to the notion of sustainability, leading to practicable guidelines that can measure progress towards it.

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Three Kinds of Money

Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Arthur Edwards > Three Kinds of Money

Three Kinds of Money

Rudolf Steiner and the Development of Monetary Economics

Arthur Edwards

Publication: 2021 / 259pp / PB b&w

ISBN-10: 0 948229 59 4 / ISBN-13: 978 0 948229 59 6

Price: £15.00


This book is a tour de force. Its sweep not only includes a concise rendering of Rudolf Steiner’s contribution to monetary economics, but reviews all main schools of thought., both ancient and modern, some very old chestnuts and some recent graspings at air. Under Edwards’s pen, the synthetic effect of Steiner’s analysis gives a place to every school of thought, yet denies any of them supremacy. Edwards is both perceptive and insightful, too much so for those who dare not loosen their grip on long-held tenets long held to be true. And yet their precious concerns would be all the more so if they would just relax their grasp. A circle is made up of numerous points; just so, Edwards gives the impression that from an associative point of view, every theory has its part to play in the larger whole of modern, i.e. global, economic life.

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True, not Basic Income

Bookstore > CHB/Collected Works > Full CHB/CW List > True, not Basic Income

True, not Basic Income Addressing Inequitable Wealth Distribution

Christopher Houghton Budd

Publication: 2021

Price: £5.00


It was in 1905 that Rudolf Steiner first observed that the idea of economic exploitation of man-by-man or class-by-class was a mistake. The true form of economic exploitation, practised by everyone, is when one does not pay the true price for things, meaning funding future activity. It is our endemic under-pricing (and therefore undervaluing) that causes today’s chronic and generalised debt levels. Salving this situation by basic income schemes of any kind does not address this malaise, but serves only to make us economically state-dependent – a humanity of quasi civil servants, whose lives continue to be subject to subsistence economics and lack of capital. To help us see through the illusionary, not to say delusionary, nature of basic income is the aim of this book.

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A Random Walk to Dornach

Bookstore > CHB/Collected Works > Full CHB/CW List > A Random Walk to Dornach

A Random Walk to Dornach Esoteric Aspects of Economics and Finance

Christopher Houghton Budd

Publication: 2021

Price: £15.00


The thinking of Wall Street and that of Rudolf Steiner are poles apart in so many ways. The idea that finance is anything other than prosaic does not sit easily alongside the thought that in fact finance is and always has been sacred; let alone that so exoteric a phenomenon of our times has a deeply esoteric foundation, even today. This collection of essays wanders in and out of both worlds in an endeavour to understand today’s situation in terms of a deeper but nonetheless real perspective. The book explores the idea that randomness in markets reflects the chaos in modern karma but that, conversely, associative finance can bring order into both realms, in which each, moreover, finds its reflection.

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Towards Christmas 2023

Bookstore > CHB/Collected Works > Full CHB/CW List > Towards Christmas 2023

Towards Christmas 2023 Renewing our Covenant with Rudolf Steiner

Christopher Houghton Budd

Publication: 2021

Price: £12.50


At Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner instituted the General Anthroposophical Society as the home of the School of Spiritual Science. Through the work of the School’s Sections, under-girded by the inner work of its members, the aim of the Society was to be a body for this School, enabling it to work into the cultural life of our times, bringing renewed vigour to all aspects of human life. Where the ground of natural science ran out, as it were, spiritual science would take over, giving civilisation a new lease of life.

Whether in the formal sense outlined by Rudolf Steiner or in many less formal ways, ever since people all over the world have sought to join him in this deed. By entering into a covenant with him, a great deal has been accomplished. For those familiar with Rom Landau’s ‘God is my Adventure’ in the 1930s, it would be interesting to look again, as he did, at how the Anthroposophical Movement has developed. Unlike many such movements, it has made far-reaching practical contributions, from medicine to monetary economics, from education to the environment, from agriculture to ageing with dignity.

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